The conveyor belt features quick release and removal of decks, belts, motors and rollers, the conveyor belt saves valuable time, money and labor, and provides hygienic peace of mind. Thaum lub sij hawm ua kom loog, lub tshuab tsav tshuab tsuas yog disassembles tus conveyor tsav thiab disassembly tag nrho cov ke ua ke.
Hauv vib nas this, siv tawv tawv thiab nws cov khoom sib xyaw, xws li chais thiab bearings, yuav raug tshem tawm. Txhim kho cov kab kev ua tau zoo thiab kho kev siv tawv nruj thiab cov txheej txheem sai tom qab tau txiav rov qab rau hauv qhov chaw tom qab kev tu thiab tu.
Cov neeg nyiam kev ua haujlwm tshiab yog lwm lub sijhawm txuag ib qho uas txwv tsis pub ua haujlwm los ntawm fidts, txiv ntseej, thiab yuav tsum nrhiav cov cuab yeej tau los ua qhov no. Ntxiv rau kev tshem tawm, rov hais dua thiab slotting tus conveyor siv super sai sai, nws tshem tawm qhov kev pheej hmoo ntawm kev ua yuam kev paug nrog cov khoom ploj lossis cov screws.
Txhawm rau txhawm rau txhim kho kev nrhiav kom tau txais kev ua tau zoo, txoj kev du, txhim kho siv tawv tsim tshem tawm cov suab nrov. Qhov no tuaj yeem ua rau tsis tsim nyog vibrations, uas tuaj yeem cuam tshuam cov kev pom cov hlau kom pom zoo thiab tshuaj ntsuam qhov raug thiab tshuaj xyuas qhov tseeb.
Lub Sijhawm Post: Lub Tsib Hlis-14-2021